About This Web site

This is a fan site for the online game, Wartune. The site is hosted by Sun Sims, a fan site for The Sims, and can be reached by either http://gloryroad.sunsims.com or http://gloryroad.pearlsims.com. Both domain names point to the same place. We added the Sun Sims subdomain because we found that since Pearl Sims continues some mature content, younger players were not able to access the site.

Most of the content on this site is of interest to Wartune players on any server. The news section is specific to Glory Road guild, with some additional notes about other guilds on s8 and s20.

Your humble webmaster is Brangwen. That's my character's named on s8 and s20, and several other Wartunes servers. (I only actively play on a few servers, currently s1, s8, and sometimes s37. I think of s8 as my home server.) On s8, I am also Shock, Squeak, Happenstance, and often Camden. On s20, I'm also SicTransit, GloriaMundi, and again, often Camden.

About the Guild

GloryRoad is a friendly English-speaking guild on Wartune Server 20.

The guild was created on the day that Server 20 opened, 26 Nov 2012. Now that server merges bumped the guild out of Guild Battle, it is no longer active and has become mostly a place for infrequently played characters who don't care about Guild Battle. We also have Wartune guilds on s9 and s10, which serve the same purpose.

The name for the guild was inspired by the novel "Glory Road" by Robert A. Heinlein. It's a sword and sorcery story with the hero teleporting here and there in the company of a nearly naked hot babe. Sound familiar? :))

About Wartune

Wartune was originally a multi-player version of a fantasy role-playing game. It has deteriorated rapidly since its inception to become a confused mess with no apparent theme, with several different mini-games pasted together with a common user database. The basic game's technology is about level of some of the Nintendo console games from 20 years ago, with the added features of having multiple players and being available on the World Wide Web without having to download an application to your computer.

A lot of Wartune advertising fraudulently implies that it is a sexy adults-only game. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Wartune contains no adult content at all. I have no problem letting 3-year-olds watch me play it. It's just about as sexy as Zelda II: The Adventure of Link.

Game play is relentlessly repetitious, even using the same background illustrations for scenes where they make no sense at all. Most of the game play is almost unbearably tedious, with opportunities for you to pay real money to skip the tedium. The most appropriate tagline for Wartune might be: The Game You Pay Not To Play!

As your character rises in level, you experience nearly identical turn-based combat situations; only the monsters' image sprites and some sounds change from level 1 to level 100. Even then, the bears you meet at level 1 will show up again at level 55, with the sprites retinted and scaled slightly larger. There is no opportunity for player to exercise creativity in Wartune; you're a rat in a maze built by someone else. The game was obviously developed on a tiny budget, the real-life money cost for pay-to-play participants is fantastically high, the text was written by someone who just doesn't speak English, and customer support simply doesn't exist.

The game is advertised with sexy girls and salacious headlines, implying that there might be some really sexy content. Don't be misled. Except for the skimpy (and silly) costumes worn by the female players, there is nothing sexy about Wartune. The great majority of female characters you'll see are played by men, because guys would rather look at girls in skimpy (and, yes, silly) costumes.

We originally expected game play to be about fantasy role-playing adventures with a variety of episodes within an over-arching story, but in fact game play now emphasizes player-versus-player battles where people spend incredible amounts of real-life money to fulfill fantasies of having power over others by changing numbers in a database on somebody else's web site.

Nevertheless, despite our frank appraisal of the quality of the game and admittedly harsh criticism of actual game play, it has one outstanding quality that makes it quite endearing: The people who play it, and the way they cooperate to achieve a goal. And that's what guilds are really about.